Testing Resources for Private Wells and Springs

Please read the following message from the VT Dept of Health for information on testing water from private wells and/or springs.

Water may not be safe to use for drinking, cooking or cleaning after a flood. During and after flooding, private water systems (wells or springs) can become contaminated with microorganisms — such as bacteria, sewage, heating oil, agricultural or industrial waste, chemicals, and other substances that can cause serious illness. Community members should assume their water is contaminated if floodwater has reached their well or spring.

However, free drinking water test kits are available. Call 802-338-4724 to order free drinking water test kits to find out if a well or spring was impacted by floodwater.

You can find more post-flood drinking water guidance on this page: https://www.healthvermont.gov/environment/drinking-water/after-flood-drinking-water-guidance

Additional information on how to stay safe when returning to a home or business after flooding is on the Health Department’s website and is being updated regularly: HealthVermont.gov/Flood

Thank you for your service to your community and for sharing this resources. 

Vermont Department of Health

Environmental Health Division, Town Health Officer Program




NoticeJennifer Leak